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Join our twelve-week 1:1 AIP Programme to heal your gut and your autoimmune condition under control!

The Autoimmune Protocol, or AIP, is a stricter version of the paleo diet, that focuses on nutrient density and the elimination of specific foods that contribute to inflammation, particularly in those with autoimmune disease. The main aims of the protocol are to heal the gut wall and restore digestive function, rebalance the microbiome, eliminate nutrient deficiencies and support the body’s detoxification pathways.


This scientifically based twelve-week programme has been created to support people wishing to use the AIP Protocol to reduce inflammation, heal the gut and get autoimmune symptoms under control. You will be fully supported with our unique one-to-one chat support as well as regular zoom check-in calls. You will learn which foods help or hinder your condition, so that by the end of the twelve weeks you will have the in-depth knowledge and deep understanding of what your body needs to feel well. 



1:1 12-week AIP PROGRAMME with KYLIE


**Not currently taking new clients**


Included in the 1:1 AIP Programme:


• An initial 90 minute consultation 

• 6 weekly 30 minute zoom consultations

• One-to-one chat support (business hours Monday to Friday)

• Gut healing protocol

• Helpful hints and tips, AIP recipes, handouts and guides to help keep you on track

• Healthy lifestyle suggestions to help support your healing process

• In depth guide to the the re-introduction phase specific to your individual needs

• Introduction to online AIP resources to help you continue on your journey once the programme has finished


Contact Kylie for more details at


This 12 week Package must be used within 13 weeks of the Initial Consultation.

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